For BLS Classes:
You are REQUIRED to purchase an E-Book for your BLS Class.
Click Here to Purchase your E-Book
(If you are re-certifying and have a book from 2020 or newer you can use that book for your class. Anything older than that will require the purchase of a new book.)
For the BLS Essentials Instructor Course, you must have a 2-year medical background and a current BLS certification.
You MUST complete the AHA's Online Essentials Instructor Course - BLS and provide a Certificate of Completion before you are allowed to take this class. (Please note that the class cost does NOT include the Online Essentials Instructor Course - BLS price. You will need to pay for that separately.)
For the Heartsaver Essentials Instructor course you do not have to have a medical background but must have a current Heartsaver certification.
You MUST complete the AHA's Online Essentials Instructor Course - Heartsaver and provide a Certificate of Completion before you are allowed to take this class. (Please note that the class cost does NOT include the Online Essentials Instructor Course - Heartsaver price. You will need to pay for that separately.)